Witty Quote

“By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it." – Eliezer Yudkowsky

I am enrolled in a Ph.D. program at the School of Computing in Southern Illinois University. My educational background includes a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET). I have been working as a researcher at the SUPREME Lab since Fall'22 under the guidance of Professor Dr. Sajedul Talukder. My primary research focus revolves around areas such as Federated Learning, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Social Networks. Previously, I worked as a senior software engineer at Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh, where I made valuable contributions to a collaborative project with Samsung Network Division. Specifically, I focused on the development of web-based tools catering to the needs of 4G and 5G developers. Alongside my professional endeavors, I have actively participated in competitive programming on platforms such as Leetcode, Codeforces, Uva, LightOj, Spoj, and Hackerrank, achieving noteworthy success. Throughout my tenure at Samsung, I consistently demonstrated exceptional performance by securing prizes and earning advanced level certificates in the monthly contests organized by Samsung R&D. My technical expertise encompasses both front-end and back-end development, with responsibilities ranging from requirements analysis to software module design, development, testing, and server deployment. Moreover, I actively engaged in knowledge-sharing activities during my time at Samsung, conducting sessions on topics such as software engineering principles, emerging technologies, and best practices for clean coding. My performance at Samsung led to my selection as a distinguished candidate among many others at Samsung, resulting in an opportunity to collaborate with the Suwon team on diverse projects at Samsung Digital City in Suwon, Korea.

Professional Experience
  • Teaching Assistant
    January 2024 – Present
    School of Computing
    • Preparing lecture notes/slides on a given topic
    • Conducting classes of "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" and "Learning from Data"
    • Mentoring both Undergrad and Grad students
    • Grading Quizzes, Assignments, Exams, Projects and Presentation

  • Research Assistant
    August 2022 – Present
    SUPREME Lab.
    • Conduct in-depth literature reviews to understand the prior arts
    • Collaborate with researchers to design, develop, and optimize algorithms
    • Collect and analyze data for experiments, simulations, or data-driven research projects
    • Write and maintain code for research projects, including feature engineering, model evaluation, and optimization
    • Work with models like Transformers (BERT, GPT), CNN, RNN, LSTM, YOLO, Traditional (KNN, K-means, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Boosting, Bagging)
    • Write the research papers at Overleaf collaboratively and prepare the presentations for conferences, and journals
    • Assist in training and mentoring junior research assistants, and undergraduate students
    • Participate in online Machine Learning and NLP competitions (e.g. Kaggle)
    • Led a team for the Cyberforce23 competition

  • Sr. Software Engineer
    February 2019 – August 2022
    Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh
    Worked as an innovator and a full stack web application developer at Software Engineering division of Samsung Network Lab.
    • Worked on innovative idea and patent generation
    • Development and testing of software modules
    • Static analysis and process improvement
    • Improvement and optimization of legacy software systems
    • Remote collaboration with clients and mentoring new team members
    • Business trip to Suwon, South Korea for new module release
    • Project initiating and driving to completion with minimal guidance
    • Completed 100+ Jira Tasks and resolved about 20+ PLM issues with the least TAT count[4.5]
    • Best contributor in Aug’22 [800+ commits, 50+ Pull Request and 300+ reviews]

Programming Skill
  • Competitive Programmer
    • Solved 1000+ problems in different Online Judge (i.e. Leetcode, Codeforces, Uva, LightOj, SPOJ)
    • Participation, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), Dhaka Regional
    • Participation, National and Divisional level Programming Contests
    • Participation, Problem-solving and weekly practice contest, and monthly programming contests that are organized by Samsung.
    • Business trip to Suwon, South Korea for new module release
    • Capability of analyzing program time and memory complexity
    • Expertise in Data Structures (LinkedList, Stack, Queue, Heap, HashMap, Trie Tree, BST) and Algorithms (Binary Search, Graph Theory, Dynamic Programming, Number Theory)